Michael Hartenfels
Hartenfels has lead a successful homoeopathic practice for 16 years and
has trained people in homeopathy for eight years. From early on he has
been concerned with contact and healing, he has studied the effects of
the pharmaceutical drugs on sexuality and connected questions of
contact. He used to live for many years in open communities and in art
projects and knows about the different facets of sexuality/contacts and
the combined risks of diseases. Since 2001 he has instructed groups on
the topics of love / sexuality and is working on establishing a love
For more information see
www.homoeopathie-direkt.de and
His Workshop
Sexuality and Healing
Sexuality is combined with the fear of contagion.
In the Middle Ages people thought of sexuality as a mortal sin which leads right to hell, nowadays people have the opinion
that sexuality without protection and a stable “hygienic” partner leads to diseases.
Out of blind religious belief has arisen a blind belief in materialistic natural science.
intention of this seminar is to give some insight into what is meant by
diseases and healing in the context of an openly lived sexuality. I am
not sick because I have some kind of virus. Indeed I have viruses
because I am sick. What stands behind syphilis, gonorrhoea, AIDS et
al.? What questions of contact, what sexual topics and what potential
of happiness in life, union and healing lie there?
To dissolve fear through understanding what is happening and not being
its victim.In this workshop, we will find more taboos than one would
expect. What can I do to get rid of fear in minds and bodies?
Homoeopathic treatments will be introduced as features in the context
of the borderline zones of sexuality, and made at once comprehensible
and entertaining. How is it possible to recognize the burdens and
habits of one human being and also his potential only from his stature
and appearance? On request, the state of some participants will be
presented as examples for homoeopathic treatment.